This section lists all errors that can occur when type checking is performed.
Error: Type mismatch
- This can happen in many cases:
- The variable you’re assigning to is of a different type than the expression in the
- You are calling a function or procedure with parameters that are incompatible
with the parameters in the function or procedure definition.
Error: Incompatible types: got ”arg1” expected ”arg2”
- There is no conversion possible
between the two types. Another possiblity is that they are declared in different
A1 : Array[1..10] Of Integer;
A2 : Array[1..10] Of Integer;
A1:=A2; { This statement also gives this error. It
is due to the strict type checking of Pascal }
Error: Type mismatch between ”arg1” and ”arg2”
- The types are not equal.
Error: Type identifier expected
- The identifier is not a type, or you forgot to supply a type
Error: Variable identifier expected
- This happens when you pass a constant to a routine (such
as Inc var or Dec) when it expects a variable. You can only pass variables as arguments to
these functions.
Error: Integer expression expected, but got ”arg1”
- The compiler expects an expression of
type integer, but gets a different type.
Error: Boolean expression expected, but got ”arg1”
- The expression must be a boolean
type. It should be return True or False.
Error: Ordinal expression expected
- The expression must be of ordinal type, i.e., maximum a
Longint. This happens, for instance, when you specify a second argument to Inc or Dec that
doesn’t evaluate to an ordinal value.
Error: pointer type expected, but got ”arg1”
- The variable or expression isn’t of the type
pointer. This happens when you pass a variable that isn’t a pointer to New or
Error: class type expected, but got ”arg1”
- The variable or expression isn’t of the type
class. This happens typically when
- The parent class in a class declaration isn’t a class.
- An exception handler (On) contains a type identifier that isn’t a class.
Error: Can’t evaluate constant expression
- This error can occur when the bounds of an array
you declared do not evaluate to ordinal constants.
Error: Set elements are not compatible
- You are trying to perform an operation on two sets,
when the set element types are not the same. The base type of a set must be the same when
taking the union.
Error: Operation not implemented for sets
- several binary operations are not defined for sets.
These include: div, mod, **, >= and <=. The last two may be defined for sets in the
Warning: Automatic type conversion from floating type to COMP which is an integer type
An implicit type conversion from a real type to a comp is encountered. Since comp is a 64 bit
integer type, this may indicate an error.
Hint: use DIV instead to get an integer result
- When hints are on, then an integer division
with the ’/’ operator will produce this message, because the result will then be of type
Error: string types doesn’t match, because of $V+ mode
- When compiling in {$V+} mode,
the string you pass as a parameter should be of the exact same type as the declared
parameter of the procedure.
Error: succ or pred on enums with assignments not possible
- If you declare an
enumeration type which has C-like assignments in it, such as in the following:
Tenum = (a,b,e:=5);
then you cannot use the Succ or Pred functions with this enumeration.
Error: Can’t read or write variables of this type
- You are trying to read or write a variable
from or to a file of type text, which doesn’t support that variable’s type. Only integer types,
reals, pchars and strings can be read from or written to a text file. Booleans can only be
written to text files.
Error: Can’t use readln or writeln on typed file
- readln and writeln are only allowed for
text files.
Error: Can’t use read or write on untyped file.
- read and write are only allowed for text or
typed files.
Error: Type conflict between set elements
- There is at least one set element which is of the
wrong type, i.e. not of the set type.
Warning: lo/hi(dword/qword) returns the upper/lower word/dword
- Free Pascal
supports an overloaded version of lo/hi for longint/dword/int64/qword which returns
the lower/upper word/dword of the argument. Turbo Pascal always uses a 16
bit lo/hi which always returns bits 0..7 for lo and the bits 8..15 for hi. If you
want the Turbo Pascal behavior you have to type cast the argument to a word or
Error: Integer or real expression expected
- The first argument to str must be a real or
integer type.
Error: Wrong type ”arg1” in array constructor
- You are trying to use a type in an array
constructor which is not allowed.
Error: Incompatible type for arg no. arg1: Got ”arg2”, expected ”arg3”
- You are trying
to pass an invalid type for the specified parameter.
Error: Method (variable) and Procedure (variable) are not compatible
- You can’t assign
a method to a procedure variable or a procedure to a method pointer.
Error: Illegal constant passed to internal math function
- The constant argument passed to
a ln or sqrt function is out of the definition range of these functions.
Error: Can’t take the address of constant expressions
- It is not possible to get the address
of a constant expression, because they aren’t stored in memory. You can try making it a
typed constant. This error can also be displayed if you try to pass a property to a var
Error: Argument can’t be assigned to
- Only expressions which can be on the left side of an
assignment can be passed as call by reference arguments.
Remark: Properties can be used on the left side of an assignment, nevertheless they cannot
be used as arguments.
Error: Can’t assign local procedure/function to procedure variable
- It’s not allowed to
assign a local procedure/function to a procedure variable, because the calling convention of a
local procedure/function is different. You can only assign local procedure/function to a void
Error: Can’t assign values to an address
- It is not allowed to assign a value to an address of a
variable, constant, procedure or function. You can try compiling with -So if the identifier is a
procedure variable.
Error: Can’t assign values to const variable
- It’s not allowed to assign a value to a variable
which is declared as a const. This is normally a parameter declared as const. To allow
changing the value, pass the parameter by value, or a parameter by reference (using
Error: Array type required
- If you are accessing a variable using an index ’[¡x¿]’ then the type
must be an array. In FPC mode a pointer is also allowed.
Error: interface type expected, but got ”arg1”
- The compiler expected to encounter an
interface type name, but got something else. The following code would produce this
TMyStream = Class(TStream,Integer)
Hint: Mixing signed expressions and longwords gives a 64bit result
- If you divide (or
calculate the modulus of) a signed expression by a longword (or vice versa), or if you have
overflow and/or range checking turned on and use an arithmetic expression (+, -, *, div,
mod) in which both signed numbers and longwords appear, then everything has to be
evaluated in 64-bit arithmetic which is slower than normal 32-bit arithmetic. You can
avoid this by typecasting one operand so it matches the result type of the other
Warning: Mixing signed expressions and cardinals here may cause a range check error
- If
you use a binary operator (and, or, xor) and one of the operands is a longword while the
other one is a signed expression, then, if range checking is turned on, you may get a range
check error because in such a case both operands are converted to longword before the
operation is carried out. You can avoid this by typecasting one operand so it matches the
result type of the other one.
Error: Typecast has different size (arg1 -¿ arg2) in assignment
- Type casting to a type
with a different size is not allowed when the variable is used in an assignment.
Error: enums with assignments can’t be used as array index
- When you declared an
enumeration type which has C-like assignments, such as in the following:
Tenum = (a,b,e:=5);
you cannot use it as the index of an array.
Error: Class or Object types ”arg1” and ”arg2” are not related
- There is a typecast from
one class or object to another while the class/object are not related. This will probably lead
to errors.
Warning: Class types ”arg1” and ”arg2” are not related
- There is a typecast from
one class to another while the classes are not related. This will probably lead to
Error: Class or interface type expected, but got ”arg1”
- The compiler expected a class or
interface name, but got another type or identifier.
Error: Type ”arg1” is not completely defined
- This error occurs when a type is not
complete: i.e. a pointer type which points to an undefined type.
Warning: String literal has more characters than short string length
- The size of the
constant string, which is assigned to a shortstring, is longer than the maximum size of the
shortstring (255 characters).
Warning: Comparison is always false due to range of values
- There is a comparison
between an unsigned value and a signed constant which is less than zero. Because of type
promotion, the statement will always evaluate to false. Explicitly typecast the constant to the
correct range to avoid this problem.
Warning: Comparison is always true due to range of values
- There is a comparison
between an unsigned value and a signed constant which is less than zero. Because of type
promotion, the statement will always evaluate to true. Explicitly typecast the constant to the
correct range to avoid this problem.
Warning: Constructing a class ”arg1” with abstract method ”arg2”
- An instance of a
class is created which contains non-implemented abstract methods. This will probably lead to
a runtime error 211 in the code if that routine is ever called. All abstract methods should be
Hint: The left operand of the IN operator should be byte sized
- The left operand of the
in operator is not an ordinal or enumeration which fits within 8 bits. This may lead to range
check errors. The in operator currently only supports a left operand which fits within a byte.
In the case of enumerations, the size of an element of an enumeration can be controlled with
the {$PACKENUM} or {$Zn} switches.
Warning: Type size mismatch, possible loss of data / range check error
- There is an
assignment to a smaller type than the source type. This means that this may cause a
range-check error, or may lead to possible loss of data.
Hint: Type size mismatch, possible loss of data / range check error
- There is an
assignment to a smaller type than the source type. This means that this may cause a
range-check error, or may lead to possible loss of data.
Error: The address of an abstract method can’t be taken
- An abstract method has no
body, so the address of an abstract method can’t be taken.
Error: Assignments to formal parameters and open arrays are not possible
- You are
trying to assign a value to a formal (untyped var, const or out) parameter, or to an open
Error: Constant Expression expected
- The compiler expects an constant expression, but gets
a variable expression.
Error: Operation ”arg1” not supported for types ”arg2” and ”arg3”
- The operation is
not allowed for the supplied types.
Error: Illegal type conversion: ”arg1” to ”arg2”
- When doing a type-cast, you
must take care that the sizes of the variable and the destination type are the
Hint: Conversion between ordinals and pointers is not portable
- If you typecast a pointer
to a longint (or vice-versa), this code will not compile on a machine using 64 bits
Warning: Conversion between ordinals and pointers is not portable
- If you typecast a
pointer to an ordinal type of a different size (or vice-versa), this can cause problems. This is
a warning to help in finding the 32-bit specific code where cardinal/longint is
used to typecast pointers to ordinals. A solution is to use the ptrint/ptruint types
Error: Can’t determine which overloaded function to call
- You’re calling overloaded
functions with a parameter that doesn’t correspond to any of the declared function
parameter lists. e.g. when you have declared a function with parameters word and longint,
and then you call it with a parameter which is of type integer.
Error: Illegal counter variable
- The type of a for loop variable must be an ordinal type. Loop
variables cannot be reals or strings.
Warning: Converting constant real value to double for C variable argument, add explicit typecast to prevent this.
In C, constant real values are double by default. For this reason, if you pass a constant real
value to a variable argument part of a C function, FPC by default converts this constant to
double as well. If you want to prevent this from happening, add an explicit typecast around
the constant.
Error: Class or COM interface type expected, but got ”arg1”
- Some operators, such as
the AS operator, are only applicable to classes or COM interfaces.
Error: Constant packed arrays are not yet supported
- You cannot declare a (bit)packed
array as a typed constant.
Error: Incompatible type for arg no. arg1: Got ”arg2” expected ”(Bit)Packed Array”
The compiler expects a (bit)packed array as the specified parameter.
Error: Incompatible type for arg no. arg1: Got ”arg2” expected ”(not packed) Array”
The compiler expects a regular (i.e., not packed) array as the specified parameter.
Error: Elements of packed arrays cannot be of a type which need to be initialised
Support for packed arrays of types that need initialization (such as ansistrings, or records
which contain ansistrings) is not yet implemented.
Error: Constant packed records and objects are not yet supported
- You cannot declare a
(bit)packed array as a typed constant at this time.
Warning: Arithmetic ”arg1” on untyped pointer is unportable to {$T+}, suggest typecast
Addition/subtraction from an untyped pointer may work differently in {$T+}. Use a typecast
to a typed pointer.
Error: Can’t take address of a subroutine marked as local
- The address of a subroutine
marked as local can’t be taken.
Error: Can’t export subroutine marked as local from a unit
- A subroutine marked as local
can’t be exported from a unit.
Error: Type is not automatable: ”arg1”
- Only byte, integer, longint, smallint, currency,
single, double, ansistring, widestring, tdatetime, variant, olevariant, wordbool and all
interfaces are automatable.
Hint: Converting the operands to ”arg1” before doing the add could prevent overflow errors.
Adding two types can cause overflow errors. Since you are converting the result to a larger
type, you could prevent such errors by converting the operands to this type before doing the
Hint: Converting the operands to ”arg1” before doing the subtract could prevent overflow errors.
Subtracting two types can cause overflow errors. Since you are converting the result to a
larger type, you could prevent such errors by converting the operands to this type before
doing the subtraction.
Hint: Converting the operands to ”arg1” before doing the multiply could prevent overflow errors.
Multiplying two types can cause overflow errors. Since you are converting the result to a
larger type, you could prevent such errors by converting the operands to this type before
doing the multiplication.
Warning: Converting pointers to signed integers may result in wrong comparison results and range errors, use an unsigned type instead.
The virtual address space on 32-bit machines runs from $00000000 to $ffffffff. Many
operating systems allow you to allocate memory above $80000000. For example
both Windows and linux allow pointers in the range $0000000 to $bfffffff. If
you convert pointers to signed types, this can cause overflow and range check
errors, but also $80000000 ¡ $7fffffff. This can cause random errors in code like ”if
Error: Interface type arg1 has no valid GUID
- When applying the as-operator to an
interface or class, the desired interface (i.e. the right operand of the as-operator) must have a
valid GUID.
Error: Invalid selector name
- An Objective-C selector cannot be empty, must be a valid
identifier or a single colon, and if it contains at least one colon it must also end in
Error: Expected Objective-C method, but got arg1
- A selector can only be created for
Objective-C methods, not for any other kind of procedure/function/method.
Error: Expected Objective-C method or constant method name
- A selector can only be
created for Objective-C methods, either by specifying the name using a string
constant, or by using an Objective-C method identifier that is visible in the current
Error: No type info available for this type
- Type information is not generated for some types,
such as enumerations with gaps in their value range (this includes enumerations whose lower
bound is different from zero).