C.3 Parser messages

This section lists all parser messages. The parser takes care of the semantics of you language, i.e. it determines if your Pascal constructs are correct.

Error: Parser - Syntax Error
An error against the Turbo Pascal language was encountered. This typically happens when an illegal character is found in the source file.
Error: INTERRUPT procedure can’t be nested
An INTERRUPT procedure must be global.
Warning: Procedure type ”arg1” ignored
The specified procedure directive is ignored by FPC programs.
Error: Not all declarations of ”arg1” are declared with OVERLOAD
When you want to use overloading using the OVERLOAD directive, then all declarations need to have OVERLOAD specified.
Error: Duplicate exported function name ”arg1”
Exported function names inside a specific DLL must all be different.
Error: Duplicate exported function index arg1
Exported function indexes inside a specific DLL must all be different.
Error: Invalid index for exported function
DLL function index must be in the range 1..$FFFF.
Warning: Relocatable DLL or executable arg1 debug info does not work, disabled.
It is currently not possible to include debug information in a relocatable DLL.
Warning: To allow debugging for win32 code you need to disable relocation with -WN option
Stabs debug info is wrong for relocatable DLL or EXES. Use -WN if you want to debug win32 executables.
Error: Constructor name must be INIT
You are declaring an object constructor with a name which is not init, and the -Ss switch is in effect. See the switch -Ss (see page 109).
Error: Destructor name must be DONE
You are declaring an object destructor with a name which is not done, and the -Ss switch is in effect. See the switch -Ss (see page 109).
Error: Procedure type INLINE not supported
You tried to compile a program with C++ style inlining, and forgot to specify the -Si option (-Si (see page 109)). The compiler doesn’t support C++ styled inlining by default.
Warning: Constructor should be public
Constructors must be in the ’public’ part of an object (class) declaration.
Warning: Destructor should be public
Destructors must be in the ’public’ part of an object (class) declaration.
Note: Class should have one destructor only
You can declare only one destructor for a class.
Error: Local class definitions are not allowed
Classes must be defined globally. They cannot be defined inside a procedure or function.
Fatal: Anonymous class definitions are not allowed
An invalid object (class) declaration was encountered, i.e. an object or class without methods that isn’t derived from another object or class. For example:
 Type o = object  
          a : longint;  

will trigger this error.

Note: The object ”arg1” has no VMT
This is a note indicating that the declared object has no virtual method table.
Error: Illegal parameter list
You are calling a function with parameters that are of a different type than the declared parameters of the function.
Error: Wrong number of parameters specified for call to ”arg1”
There is an error in the parameter list of the function or procedure – the number of parameters is not correct.
Error: overloaded identifier ”arg1” isn’t a function
The compiler encountered a symbol with the same name as an overloaded function, but it is not a function it can overload.
Error: overloaded functions have the same parameter list
You’re declaring overloaded functions, but with the same parameter list. Overloaded function must have at least 1 different parameter in their declaration.
Error: function header doesn’t match the previous declaration ”arg1”
You declared a function with the same parameters but different result type or function modifiers.
Error: function header ”arg1” doesn’t match forward : var name changes arg2 =¿ arg3
You declared the function in the interface part, or with the forward directive, but defined it with a different parameter list.
Note: Values in enumeration types have to be ascending
Free Pascal allows enumeration constructions as in C. Examine the following two declarations:
 type a = (A_A,A_B,A_E:=6,A_UAS:=200);  
 type a = (A_A,A_B,A_E:=6,A_UAS:=4);  

The second declaration would produce an error. A_UAS needs to have a value higher than A_E, i.e. at least 7.

Error: With cannot be used for variables in a different segment
With stores a variable locally on the stack, but this is not possible if the variable belongs to another segment.
Error: function nesting ¿ 31
You can nest function definitions only 31 levels deep.
Error: range check error while evaluating constants
The constants are out of their allowed range.
Warning: range check error while evaluating constants
The constants are out of their allowed range.
Error: duplicate case label
You are specifying the same label 2 times in a case statement.
Error: Upper bound of case range is less than lower bound
The upper bound of a case label is less than the lower bound and this is useless.
Error: typed constants of classes or interfaces are not allowed
You cannot declare a constant of type class or object.
Error: functions variables of overloaded functions are not allowed
You are trying to assign an overloaded function to a procedural variable. This is not allowed.
Error: string length must be a value from 1 to 255
The length of a shortstring in Pascal is limited to 255 characters. You are trying to declare a string with length less than 1 or greater than 255.
Warning: use extended syntax of NEW and DISPOSE for instances of objects
If you have a pointer a to an object type, then the statement new(a) will not initialize the object (i.e. the constructor isn’t called), although space will be allocated. You should issue the new(a,init) statement. This will allocate space, and call the constructor of the object.
Warning: use of NEW or DISPOSE for untyped pointers is meaningless
Error: use of NEW or DISPOSE is not possible for untyped pointers
You cannot use new(p) or dispose(p) if p is an untyped pointer because no size is associated to an untyped pointer. It is accepted for compatibility in TP and DELPHI modes, but the compiler will still warn you if it finds such a construct.
Error: class identifier expected
This happens when the compiler scans a procedure declaration that contains a dot, i.e., an object or class method, but the type in front of the dot is not a known type.
Error: type identifier not allowed here
You cannot use a type inside an expression.
Error: method identifier expected
This identifier is not a method. This happens when the compiler scans a procedure declaration that contains a dot, i.e., an object or class method, but the procedure name is not a procedure of this type.
Error: function header doesn’t match any method of this class ”arg1”
This identifier is not a method. This happens when the compiler scans a procedure declaration that contains a dot, i.e., an object or class method, but the procedure name is not a procedure of this type.
procedure/function arg1
When using the -vd switch, the compiler tells you when it starts processing a procedure or function implementation.
Error: Illegal floating point constant
The compiler expects a floating point expression, and gets something else.
Error: FAIL can be used in constructors only
You are using the fail keyword outside a constructor method.
Error: Destructors can’t have parameters
You are declaring a destructor with a parameter list. Destructor methods cannot have parameters.
Error: Only class methods can be referred with class references
This error occurs in a situation like the following:
 Type :  
    Tclass = Class of Tobject;  
 Var C : TClass;  

Free is not a class method and hence cannot be called with a class reference.

Error: Only class methods can be accessed in class methods
This is related to the previous error. You cannot call a method of an object from inside a class method. The following code would produce this error:
 class procedure tobject.x;  

Because free is a normal method of a class it cannot be called from a class method.

Error: Constant and CASE types do not match
One of the labels is not of the same type as the case variable.
Error: The symbol can’t be exported from a library
You can only export procedures and functions when you write a library. You cannot export variables or constants.
Warning: An inherited method is hidden by ”arg1”
A method that is declared virtual in a parent class, should be overridden in the descendant class with the override directive. If you don’t specify the override directive, you will hide the parent method; you will not override it.
Error: There is no method in an ancestor class to be overridden: ”arg1”
You are trying to override a virtual method of a parent class that does not exist.
Error: No member is provided to access property
You specified no read directive for a property.
Warning: Stored property directive is not yet implemented
This message is no longer used, as the stored directive has been implemented.
Error: Illegal symbol for property access
There is an error in the read or write directives for an array property. When you declare an array property, you can only access it with procedures and functions. The following code would cause such an error.
 tmyobject = class  
   i : integer;  
   property x [i : integer]: integer read I write i;  

Error: Cannot access a protected field of an object here
Fields that are declared in a protected section of an object or class declaration cannot be accessed outside the module where the object is defined, or outside descendent object methods.
Error: Cannot access a private field of an object here
Fields that are declared in a private section of an object or class declaration cannot be accessed outside the module where the class is defined.
Error: Overridden methods must have the same return type: ”arg2” is overridden by ”arg1” which has another return type
If you declare overridden methods in a class definition, they must have the same return type.
Error: EXPORT declared functions can’t be nested
You cannot declare a function or procedure within a function or procedure that was declared as an export procedure.
Error: Methods can’t be EXPORTed
You cannot declare a procedure that is a method for an object as exported.
Error: Call by var for arg no. arg1 has to match exactly: Got ”arg2” expected ”arg3”
When calling a function declared with var parameters, the variables in the function call must be of exactly the same type. There is no automatic type conversion.
Error: Class isn’t a parent class of the current class
When calling inherited methods, you are trying to call a method of a non-related class. You can only call an inherited method of a parent class.
Error: SELF is only allowed in methods
You are trying to use the self parameter outside an object’s method. Only methods get passed the self parameters.
Error: Methods can be only in other methods called direct with type identifier of the class
A construction like sometype.somemethod is only allowed in a method.
Error: Illegal use of ’:’
You are using the format : (colon) 2 times on an expression that is not a real expression.
Error: range check error in set constructor or duplicate set element
The declaration of a set contains an error. Either one of the elements is outside the range of the set type, or two of the elements are in fact the same.
Error: Pointer to object expected
You specified an illegal type in a new statement. The extended syntax of new needs an object as a parameter.
Error: Expression must be constructor call
When using the extended syntax of new, you must specify the constructor method of the object you are trying to create. The procedure you specified is not a constructor.
Error: Expression must be destructor call
When using the extended syntax of dispose, you must specify the destructor method of the object you are trying to dispose of. The procedure you specified is not a destructor.
Error: Illegal order of record elements
When declaring a constant record, you specified the fields in the wrong order.
Error: Expression type must be class or record type
A with statement needs an argument that is of the type record or class. You are using with on an expression that is not of this type.
Error: Procedures can’t return a value
In Free Pascal, you can specify a return value for a function when using the exit statement. This error occurs when you try to do this with a procedure. Procedures cannot return a value.
Error: constructors and destructors must be methods
You’re declaring a procedure as destructor or constructor, when the procedure isn’t a class method.
Error: Operator is not overloaded
You’re trying to use an overloaded operator when it is not overloaded for this type.
Error: Impossible to overload assignment for equal types
You cannot overload assignment for types that the compiler considers as equal.
Error: Impossible operator overload
The combination of operator, arguments and return type are incompatible.
Error: Re-raise isn’t possible there
You are trying to re-raise an exception where it is not allowed. You can only re-raise exceptions in an except block.
Error: The extended syntax of new or dispose isn’t allowed for a class
You cannot generate an instance of a class with the extended syntax of new. The constructor must be used for that. For the same reason, you cannot call dispose to de-allocate an instance of a class, the destructor must be used for that.
Error: Procedure overloading is switched off
When using the -So switch, procedure overloading is switched off. Turbo Pascal does not support function overloading.
Error: It is not possible to overload this operator. Related overloadable operators (if any) are: arg1
You are trying to overload an operator which cannot be overloaded. The following operators can be overloaded :
    +, -, *, /, =, >, <, <=, >=, is, as, in, **, :=  

Error: Comparative operator must return a boolean value
When overloading the = operator, the function must return a boolean value.
Error: Only virtual methods can be abstract
You are declaring a method as abstract, when it is not declared to be virtual.
Fatal: Use of unsupported feature!
You’re trying to force the compiler into doing something it cannot do yet.
Error: The mix of different kind of objects (class, object, interface, etc) isn’t allowed
You cannot derive objects, classes, cppclasses and interfaces intertwined. E.g. a class cannot have an object as parent and vice versa.
Warning: Unknown procedure directive had to be ignored: ”arg1”
The procedure directive you specified is unknown.
Error: absolute can only be associated to one variable
You cannot specify more than one variable before the absolute directive. Thus, the following construct will provide this error:
 Var Z : Longint;  
     X,Y : Longint absolute Z;  

Error: absolute can only be associated with a var or const
The address of an absolute directive can only point to a variable or constant. Therefore, the following code will produce this error:
   Procedure X;  
  var p : longint absolute x;  

Error: Only one variable can be initialized
You cannot specify more than one variable with a initial value in Delphi mode.
Error: Abstract methods shouldn’t have any definition (with function body)
Abstract methods can only be declared, you cannot implement them. They should be overridden by a descendant class.
Error: This overloaded function can’t be local (must be exported)
You are defining an overloaded function in the implementation part of a unit, but there is no corresponding declaration in the interface part of the unit.
Warning: Virtual methods are used without a constructor in ”arg1”
If you declare objects or classes that contain virtual methods, you need to have a constructor and destructor to initialize them. The compiler encountered an object or class with virtual methods that doesn’t have a constructor/destructor pair.
Macro defined: arg1
When -vc is used, the compiler tells you when it defines macros.
Macro undefined: arg1
When -vc is used, the compiler tells you when it undefines macros.
Macro arg1 set to arg2
When -vc is used, the compiler tells you what values macros get.
Info: Compiling arg1
When you turn on information messages (-vi), the compiler tells you what units it is recompiling.
Parsing interface of unit arg1
This tells you that the reading of the interface of the current unit has started
Parsing implementation of arg1
This tells you that the code reading of the implementation of the current unit, library or program starts
Compiling arg1 for the second time
When you request debug messages (-vd) the compiler tells you what units it recompiles for the second time.
Error: No property found to override
You want to override a property of a parent class, when there is, in fact, no such property in the parent class.
Error: Only one default property is allowed
You specified a property as Default, but the class already has a default property, and a class can have only one default property.
Error: The default property must be an array property
Only array properties of classes can be made default properties.
Error: Virtual constructors are only supported in class object model
You cannot have virtual constructors in objects. You can only have them in classes.
Error: No default property available
You are trying to access a default property of a class, but this class (or one of its ancestors) doesn’t have a default property.
Error: The class can’t have a published section, use the {$M+} switch
If you want a published section in a class definition, you must use the {$M+} switch, which turns on generation of type information.
Error: Forward declaration of class ”arg1” must be resolved here to use the class as ancestor
To be able to use an object as an ancestor object, it must be defined first. This error occurs in the following situation:
  Type ParentClas = Class;  
       ChildClass = Class(ParentClass)  

where ParentClass is declared but not defined.

Error: Local operators not supported
You cannot overload locally, i.e. inside procedures or function definitions.
Error: Procedure directive ”arg1” not allowed in interface section
This procedure directive is not allowed in the interface section of a unit. You can only use it in the implementation section.
Error: Procedure directive ”arg1” not allowed in implementation section
This procedure directive is not allowed in the implementation section of a unit. You can only use it in the interface section.
Error: Procedure directive ”arg1” not allowed in procvar declaration
This procedure directive cannot be part of a procedural or function type declaration.
Error: Function is already declared Public/Forward ”arg1”
You will get this error if a function is defined as forward twice. Or if it occurs in the interface section, and again as a forward declaration in the implementation section.
Error: Can’t use both EXPORT and EXTERNAL
These two procedure directives are mutually exclusive.
Warning: ”arg1” not yet supported inside inline procedure/function
Inline procedures don’t support this declaration.
Warning: Inlining disabled
Inlining of procedures is disabled.
Info: Writing Browser log arg1
When information messages are on, the compiler warns you when it writes the browser log (generated with the {$Y+ } switch).
Hint: may be pointer dereference is missing
The compiler thinks that a pointer may need a dereference.
Fatal: Selected assembler reader not supported
The selected assembler reader (with {$ASMMODE xxx} is not supported. The compiler can be compiled with or without support for a particular assembler reader.
Error: Procedure directive ”arg1” has conflicts with other directives
You specified a procedure directive that conflicts with other directives. For instance cdecl and pascal are mutually exclusive.
Error: Calling convention doesn’t match forward
This error happens when you declare a function or procedure with e.g. cdecl; but omit this directive in the implementation, or vice versa. The calling convention is part of the function declaration, and must be repeated in the function definition.
Error: Property can’t have a default value
Set properties or indexed properties cannot have a default value.
Error: The default value of a property must be constant
The value of a default declared property must be known at compile time. The value you specified is only known at run time. This happens e.g. if you specify a variable name as a default value.
Error: Symbol can’t be published, can be only a class
Only class type variables can be in a published section of a class if they are not declared as a property.
Error: This kind of property can’t be published
Properties in a published section cannot be array properties. They must be moved to public sections. Properties in a published section must be an ordinal type, a real type, strings or sets.
Error: An import name is required
Some targets need a name for the imported procedure or a cdecl specifier.
Error: Division by zero
A division by zero was encounted.
Error: Invalid floating point operation
An operation on two real type values produced an overflow or a division by zero.
Error: Upper bound of range is less than lower bound
The upper bound of an array declaration is less than the lower bound and this is not possible.
Warning: string ”arg1” is longer than ”arg2”
The size of the constant string is larger than the size you specified in string type definition.
Error: string length is larger than array of char length
The size of the constant string is larger than the size you specified in the Array[x..y] of char definition.
Error: Illegal expression after message directive
Free Pascal supports only integer or string values as message constants.
Error: Message handlers can take only one call by ref. parameter
A method declared with the message directive as message handler can take only one parameter which must be declared as call by reference. Parameters are declared as call by reference using the var-directive.
Error: Duplicate message label: ”arg1”
A label for a message is used twice in one object/class.
Error: Self can only be an explicit parameter in methods which are message handlers
The Self parameter can only be passed explicitly to a method which is declared as message handler.
Error: Threadvars can be only static or global
Threadvars must be static or global; you can’t declare a thread local to a procedure. Local variables are always local to a thread, because every thread has its own stack and local variables are stored on the stack.
Fatal: Direct assembler not supported for binary output format
You can’t use direct assembler when using a binary writer. Choose an other output format or use another assembler reader.
Warning: Don’t load OBJPAS unit manually, use \{\$mode objfpc\} or \{\$mode delphi\} instead
You are trying to load the ObjPas unit manually from a uses clause. This is not a good idea. Use the {$MODE OBJFPC} or {$mode delphi} directives which load the unit automatically.
Error: OVERRIDE can’t be used in objects
Override is not supported for objects, use virtual instead to override a method of a parent object.
Error: Data types which require initialization/finalization can’t be used in variant records
Some data types (e.g. ansistring) need initialization/finalization code which is implicitly generated by the compiler. Such data types can’t be used in the variant part of a record.
Error: Resourcestrings can be only static or global
Resourcestring cannot be declared local, only global or using the static directive.
Error: Exit with argument can’t be used here
An exit statement with an argument for the return value can’t be used here. This can happen for example in try..except or try..finally blocks.
Error: The type of the storage symbol must be boolean
If you specify a storage symbol in a property declaration, it must be a boolean type.
Error: This symbol isn’t allowed as storage symbol
You can’t use this type of symbol as storage specifier in property declaration. You can use only methods with the result type boolean, boolean class fields or boolean constants.
Error: Only classes which are compiled in $M+ mode can be published
A class-typed field in the published section of a class can only be a class which was compiled in {$M+} or which is derived from such a class. Normally such a class should be derived from TPersistent.
Error: Procedure directive expected
This error is triggered when you have a {$Calling} directive without a calling convention specified. It also happens when declaring a procedure in a const block and you used a ; after a procedure declaration which must be followed by a procedure directive. Correct declarations are:
   p : procedure;stdcall=nil;  
   p : procedure stdcall=nil;  

Error: The value for a property index must be of an ordinal type
The value you use to index a property must be of an ordinal type, for example an integer or enumerated type.
Error: Procedure name too short to be exported
The length of the procedure/function name must be at least 2 characters long. This is because of a bug in dlltool which doesn’t parse the .def file correctly with a name of length 1.
Error: No DEFFILE entry can be generated for unit global vars
Error: Compile without -WD option
You need to compile this file without the -WD switch on the command line.
Fatal: You need ObjFpc (-S2) or Delphi (-Sd) mode to compile this module
You need to use {$MODE OBJFPC} or {$MODE DELPHI} to compile this file. Or use the corresponding command line switch, either -Mobjfpc or -MDelphi.
Error: Can’t export with index under arg1
Exporting of functions or procedures with a specified index is not supported on this target.
Error: Exporting of variables is not supported under arg1
Exporting of variables is not supported on this target.
Error: Improper GUID syntax
The GUID indication does not have the proper syntax. It should be of the form

Where each X represents a hexadecimal digit.

Warning: Procedure named ”arg1” not found that is suitable for implementing the arg2.arg3
The compiler cannot find a suitable procedure which implements the given method of an interface. A procedure with the same name is found, but the arguments do not match.
Error: interface identifier expected
This happens when the compiler scans a class declaration that contains interface function name mapping code like this:
   TMyObject = class(TObject, IDispatch)  
     function IUnknown.QueryInterface=MyQueryInterface;  

and the interface before the dot is not listed in the inheritance list.

Error: Type ”arg1” can’t be used as array index type
Types like qword or int64 aren’t allowed as array index type.
Error: Con- and destructors aren’t allowed in interfaces
Constructor and destructor declarations aren’t allowed in interfaces. In the most cases method QueryInterface of IUnknown can be used to create a new interface.
Error: Access specifiers can’t be used in INTERFACES
The access specifiers public, private, protected and published can’t be used in interfaces because all methods of an interface must be public.
Error: An interface can’t contain fields
Declarations of fields aren’t allowed in interfaces. An interface can contain only methods and properties with method read/write specifiers.
Error: Can’t declare local procedure as EXTERNAL
Declaring local procedures as external is not possible. Local procedures get hidden parameters that will make the chance of errors very high.
Warning: Some fields coming before ”arg1” weren’t initialized
In Delphi mode, not all fields of a typed constant record have to be initialized, but the compiler warns you when it detects such situations.
Error: Some fields coming before ”arg1” weren’t initialized
In all syntax modes but Delphi mode, you can’t leave some fields uninitialized in the middle of a typed constant record.
Warning: Some fields coming after ”arg1” weren’t initialized
You can leave some fields at the end of a type constant record uninitialized (The compiler will initialize them to zero automatically). This may be the cause of subtle problems.
Error: VarArgs directive (or ’...’ in MacPas) without CDecl/CPPDecl/MWPascal and External
The varargs directive (or the “...” varargs parameter in MacPas mode) can only be used with procedures or functions that are declared with external and one of cdecl, cppdecl and mwpascal. This functionality is only supported to provide a compatible interface to C functions like printf.
Error: Self must be a normal (call-by-value) parameter
You can’t declare Self as a const or var parameter, it must always be a call-by-value parameter.
Error: Interface ”arg1” has no interface identification
When you want to assign an interface to a constant, then the interface must have a GUID value set.
Error: Unknown class field or method identifier ”arg1”
Properties must refer to a field or method in the same class.
Warning: Overriding calling convention ”arg1” with ”arg2”
There are two directives in the procedure declaration that specify a calling convention. Only the last directive will be used.
Error: Typed constants of the type ”procedure of object” can only be initialized with NIL
You can’t assign the address of a method to a typed constant which has a ’procedure of object’ type, because such a constant requires two addresses: that of the method (which is known at compile time) and that of the object or class instance it operates on (which cannot be known at compile time).
Error: Default value can only be assigned to one parameter
It is not possible to specify a default value for several parameters at once. The following is invalid:
 Procedure MyProcedure (A,B : Integer = 0);  

Instead, this should be declared as

 Procedure MyProcedure (A : Integer = 0; B : Integer = 0);  

Error: Default parameter required for ”arg1”
The specified parameter requires a default value.
Warning: Use of unsupported feature!
You’re trying to force the compiler into doing something it cannot do yet.
Hint: C arrays are passed by reference
Any array passed to a C function is passed by a pointer (i.e. by reference).
Error: C array of const must be the last argument
You cannot add any other argument after an array of const for cdecl functions, as the size pushed on stack for this argument is not known.
Hint: Type ”arg1” redefinition
This is an indicator that a previously declared type is being redefined as something else. This may, or may not be, a potential source of errors.
Warning: cdecl’ared functions have no high parameter
Functions declared with the cdecl modifier do not pass an extra implicit parameter.
Warning: cdecl’ared functions do not support open strings
Openstring is not supported for functions that have the cdecl modifier.
Error: Cannot initialize variables declared as threadvar
Variables declared as threadvar cannot be initialized with a default value. The variables will always be filled with zero at the start of a new thread.
Error: Message directive is only allowed in Classes
The message directive is only supported for Class types.
Error: Procedure or Function expected
A class method can only be specified for procedures and functions.
Warning: Calling convention directive ignored: ”arg1”
Some calling conventions are supported only by certain CPUs. I.e. most non-i386 ports support only the standard ABI calling convention of the CPU.
Error: REINTRODUCE can’t be used in objects
reintroduce is not supported for objects.
Error: Each argument must have its own location
If locations for arguments are specified explicitly as it is required by some syscall conventions, each argument must have its own location. Things like
 procedure p(i,j : longint ’r1’);  

aren’t allowed.

Error: Each argument must have an explicit location
If one argument has an explicit argument location, all arguments of a procedure must have one.
Error: Unknown argument location
The location specified for an argument isn’t recognized by the compiler.
Error: 32 Bit-Integer or pointer variable expected
The libbase for MorphOS/AmigaOS can be given only as longint, dword or any pointer variable.
Error: Goto statements aren’t allowed between different procedures
It isn’t allowed to use goto statements referencing labels outside the current procedure. The following example shows the problem:
   procedure p1;  
     procedure p2;  
       goto l1; // This goto ISN’T allowed  

Fatal: Procedure too complex, it requires too many registers
Your procedure body is too long for the compiler. You should split the procedure into multiple smaller procedures.
Error: Illegal expression
This can occur under many circumstances. Usually when trying to evaluate constant expressions.
Error: Invalid integer expression
You made an expression which isn’t an integer, and the compiler expects the result to be an integer.
Error: Illegal qualifier
One of the following is happening :
Error: High range limit ¡ low range limit
You are declaring a subrange, and the high limit is less than the low limit of the range.
Error: Exit’s parameter must be the name of the procedure it is used in
Non local exit is not allowed. This error occurs only in mode MacPas.
Error: Illegal assignment to for-loop variable ”arg1”
The type of a for loop variable must be an ordinal type. Loop variables cannot be reals or strings. You also cannot assign values to loop variables inside the loop (Except in Delphi and TP modes). Use a while or repeat loop instead if you need to do something like that, since those constructs were built for that.
Error: Can’t declare local variable as EXTERNAL
Declaring local variables as external is not allowed. Only global variables can reference external variables.
Error: Procedure is already declared EXTERNAL
The procedure is already declared with the EXTERNAL directive in an interface or forward declaration.
Warning: Implicit uses of Variants unit
The Variant type is used in the unit without any used unit using the Variants unit. The compiler has implicitly added the Variants unit to the uses list. To remove this warning the Variants unit needs to be added to the uses statement.
Error: Class and static methods can’t be used in INTERFACES
The specifier class and directive static can’t be used in interfaces because all methods of an interface must be public.
Error: Overflow in arithmetic operation
An operation on two integer values produced an overflow.
Error: Protected or private expected
strict can be only used together with protected or private.
Error: SLICE can’t be used outside of parameter list
slice can be used only for arguments accepting an open array parameter.
Error: A DISPINTERFACE can’t have a parent class
A DISPINTERFACE is a special type of interface which can’t have a parent class.
Error: A DISPINTERFACE needs a guid
A DISPINTERFACE always needs an interface identification (a GUID).
Warning: Overridden methods must have a related return type. This code may crash, it depends on a Delphi parser bug (”arg2” is overridden by ”arg1” which has another return type)
If you declare overridden methods in a class definition, they must have the same return type. Some versions of Delphi allow you to change the return type of interface methods, and even to change procedures into functions, but the resulting code may crash depending on the types used and the way the methods are called.
Error: Dispatch IDs must be ordinal constants
The dispid keyword must be followed by an ordinal constant (the dispid index).
Error: The range of the array is too large
Regardless of the size taken up by its elements, an array cannot have more than high(ptrint) elements. Additionally, the range type must be a subrange of ptrint.
Error: The address cannot be taken of bit packed array elements and record fields
If you declare an array or record as packed in Mac Pascal mode (or as packed in any mode with {$bitpacking on}), it will be packed at the bit level. This means it becomes impossible to take addresses of individual array elements or record fields. The only exception to this rule is in the case of packed arrays elements whose packed size is a multple of 8 bits.
Error: Dynamic arrays cannot be packed
Only regular (and possibly in the future also open) arrays can be packed.
Error: Bit packed array elements and record fields cannot be used as loop variables
If you declare an array or record as packed in Mac Pascal mode (or as packed in any mode with {$bitpacking on}), it will be packed at the bit level. For performance reasons, they cannot be used as loop variables.
Error: VAR and TYPE are allowed only in generics
The usage of VAR and TYPE to declare new types inside an object is allowed only inside generics.
Error: This type can’t be a generic
Only Classes, Objects, Interfaces and Records are allowed to be used as generic.
Warning: Don’t load LINEINFO unit manually, Use the -gl compiler switch instead
Do not use the lineinfo unit directly, Use the -gl switch which automatically adds the correct unit for reading the selected type of debugging information. The unit that needs to be used depends on the type of debug information used when compiling the binary.
Error: No function result type specified for function ”arg1”
The first time you declare a function you have to declare it completely, including all parameters and the result type.
Error: Specialization is only supported for generic types
Types which are not generics can’t be specialized.
Error: Generics can’t be used as parameters when specializing generics
When specializing a generic, only non-generic types can be used as parameters.
Error: Constants of objects containing a VMT aren’t allowed
If an object requires a VMT either because it contains a constructor or virtual methods, it’s not allowed to create constants of it. In TP and Delphi mode this is allowed for compatibility reasons.
Error: Taking the address of labels defined outside the current scope isn’t allowed
It isn’t allowed to take the address of labels outside the current procedure.
Error: Cannot initialize variables declared as external
Variables declared as external cannot be initialized with a default value.
Error: Illegal function result type
Some types like file types cannot be used as function result.
Error: No common type possible between ”arg1” and ”arg2”
To perform an operation on integers, the compiler converts both operands to their common type, which appears to be an invalid type. To determine the common type of the operands, the compiler takes the minimum of the minimal values of both types, and the maximum of the maximal values of both types. The common type is then minimum..maximum.
Error: Generics without specialization cannot be used as a type for a variable
Generics must be always specialized before being used as variable type.
Warning: Register list is ignored for pure assembler routines
When using pure assembler routines, the list with modified registers is ignored.
Error: Implements property must have class or interface type
A property which implements an interface must be of type class or interface.
Error: Implements-property must implement interface of correct type, found ”arg1” expected ”arg2”
A property which implements an interface actually implements a different interface.
Error: Implements-property must have read specifier
A property which implements an interface must have at least a read specifier.
Error: Implements-property must not have write-specifier
A property which implements an interface may not have a write specifier.
Error: Implements-property must not have stored-specifier
A property which implements an interface may not have a stored specifier.
Error: Implements-property used on unimplemented interface: ”arg1”
The interface which is implemented by a property is not an interface implemented by the class.
Error: Floating point not supported for this target
The compiler parsed a floating point expression, but it is not supported.
Error: Class ”arg1” does not implement interface ”arg2”
The delegated interface is not implemented by the class given in the implements clause.
Error: Type used by implements must be an interface
The implements keyword must be followed by an interface type.
Error: Variables cannot be exported with a different name on this target, add the name to the declaration using the ”export” directive (variable name: arg1, declared export name: arg2)
On most targets it is not possible to change the name under which a variable is exported inside the exports statement of a library. In that case, you have to specify the export name at the point where the variable is declared, using the export and alias directives.
Error: Weak external symbols are not supported for the current target
A ”weak external” symbol is a symbol which may or may not exist at (either static or dynamic) link time. This concept may not be available (or implemented yet) on the current cpu/OS target.
Error: Forward type definition does not match
Classes and interfaces being defined forward must have the same type when being implemented. A forward interface cannot be changed into a class.
Note: Virtual method ”arg1” has a lower visibility (arg2) than parent class arg3 (arg4)
The virtual method overrides an method that is declared with a higher visibility. This might give unexpected results. In case the new visibility is private than it might be that a call to inherited in a new child class will call the higher visible method in a parent class and ignores the private method.
Error: Fields cannot appear after a method or property definition, start a new visibility section first
Once a method or property has been defined in a class or object, you cannot define any fields afterwards without starting a new visibility section (such as public, private, etc.). The reason is that otherwise the source code can appear ambiguous to the compiler, since it is possible to use modifiers such as default and register also as field names.
Error: Parameters cannot contain local type definitions. Use a separate type definition in a type block.
In Pascal, types are not considered to be identical simply because they are semantically equivalent. Two variables or parameters are only considered to be of the same type if they refer to the same type definition. As a result, it is not allowed to define new types inside parameter lists, because then it is impossible to refer to the same type definition in the procedure headers of the interface and implementation of a unit (both procedure headers would define a separate type). Keep in mind that expressions such as “file of byte” or “string[50]” also define a new type.
Error: ABSTRACT and SEALED conflict
ABSTRACT and SEALED cannot be used together in one declaration
Error: Cannot create a descendant of the sealed class ”arg1”
Sealed means that class cannot be derived by another class.
Error: SEALED class cannot have an ABSTRACT method
Sealed means that class cannot be derived. Therefore no one class is able to override an abstract method in a sealed class.
Error: Only virtual methods can be final
You are declaring a method as final, when it is not declared to be virtual.
Error: Final method cannot be overridden: ”arg1”
You are trying to override a virtual method of a parent class that does not exist.
Error: Invalid enumerator identifier: ”arg1”
Only ”MoveNext” and ”Current” enumerator identifiers are supported.
Error: Enumerator identifier required
”MoveNext” or ”Current” identifier must follow the enumerator modifier.
Error: Enumerator MoveNext pattern method is not valid. Method must be a function with the Boolean return type and no required arguments.
”MoveNext” enumerator pattern method must be a function with Boolean return type and no required arguments
Error: Enumerator Current pattern property is not valid. Property must have a getter.
”Current” enumerator pattern property must have a getter
Error: Only one enumerator MoveNext method is allowed per class/object
Class or Object can have only one enumerator MoveNext declaration.
Error: Only one enumerator Current property is allowed per class/object
Class or Object can have only one enumerator Current declaration.
Error: For in loop cannot be used for the type ”arg1”
For in loop can be used not for all types. For example it cannot be used for the enumerations with jumps.