All functionality of the IDE is available through use of the keyboard.
- It is used for typing and navigating through the sources.
- Editing commands such as copying and pasting text.
- Moving and resizing windows.
- It can be used to access the menu, by pressing ALT and the appropriate highlighted
menu letter, or by pressing F10 and navigating through the menu with the arrow keys.
More information on the menu can be found in section 6.4, page 168.
- Many commands in the IDE are bound to shortcuts, i.e. typing a special combination
of keys will execute a command immediately.
- When working in a linux X-Term or through a telnet session, the key combination
with Alt may not be available. To remedy this, the Ctrl-Z combination can be typed
first. This means that e.g. Alt-X can be replaced by Ctrl-Z X.
- Alternatively, you can try the key combination ESC-X for Alt-X when working on
- A complete reference of all keyboard shortcuts can be found in section 6.14, page 349.