The IDE allows you to search for text in the active editor window. To search for text, one of the following can be done:
After that, the dialog shown in figure (6.7) will pop up, and the following options can be entered:
After the dialog has closed, the search is performed using the given options.
A search can be repeated (using the same options) in one of 2 ways:
It is also possible to replace occurrences of a text with another text. This can be done in a similar manner to searching for a text:
A dialog, similar to the search dialog will pop up, as shown in figure (6.8).
In this dialog, in addition to the things that can be filled in in the search dialog, the following things can be entered:
If the dialog is closed with the ’OK’ button, only the next occurrence of the the search text will be replaced. If the dialog is closed with the ’Change All’ button, all occurrences of the search text will be replaced.