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PChar related functions

Most PChar functions are the same as their counterparts in the STRINGS unit. The following functions are the same :

  1. StrCat : Concatenates two PChar strings.
  2. StrComp : Compares two PChar strings.
  3. StrCopy : Copies a PChar string.
  4. StrECopy : Copies a PChar string and returns a pointer to the terminating null byte.
  5. StrEnd : Returns a pointer to the terminating null byte.
  6. StrIComp : Case insensitive compare of 2 PChar strings.
  7. StrLCat : Appends at most L characters from one PChar to another PChar.
  8. StrLComp : Case sensitive compare of at most L characters of 2 PChar strings.
  9. StrLCopy : Copies at most L characters from one PChar to another.
  10. StrLen : Returns the length (exclusive terminating null byte) of a PChar string.
  11. StrLIComp : Case insensitive compare of at most L characters of 2 PChar strings.
  12. StrLower : Converts a PChar to all lowercase letters.
  13. StrMove : Moves one PChar to another.
  14. StrNew : Makes a copy of a PChar on the heap, and returns a pointer to this copy.
  15. StrPos : Returns the position of one PChar string in another?
  16. StrRScan : returns a pointer to the last occurrence of on PChar string in another one.
  17. StrScan : returns a pointer to the first occurrence of on PChar string in another one.
  18. StrUpper : Converts a PChar to all uppercase letters.

The subsequent functions are different from their counterparts in STRINGS, although the same examples can be used.

The latest version of this document can be found at lazarus-ccr.sourceforge.net.