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Copy a null-terminated string, return a pointer to the end.
Source position: syspchh.inc line 27
function strecopy( |
dest: PChar; |
source: PChar |
):PChar; |
Copies the Null-terminated string in Source to Dest, and returns a pointer to the end (i.e. the terminating Null-character) of the copied string.
No length checking is performed.
Copy a null-terminated string, limited in length. |
Copy a null-terminated string |
Program Example6; Uses strings; { Program to demonstrate the StrECopy function. } Const P : PChar = 'This is a PCHAR string.'; Var PP : PChar; begin PP:=StrAlloc (StrLen(P)+1); If Longint(StrECopy(PP,P))-Longint(PP)<>StrLen(P) then Writeln('Something is wrong here !') else Writeln ('PP= ',PP); StrDispose(PP); end.
lazarus-ccr.sourceforge.net |