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Accept a connection from a socket (deprecated).
Source position: line 0
function Accept( |
Sock: LongInt; |
var addr: TInetSockAddr; |
var SockIn: file; |
var SockOut: file |
):Boolean; |
Sock: LongInt; |
var addr: TInetSockAddr; |
var SockIn: text; |
var SockOut: text |
):Boolean; |
Sock: LongInt; |
var addr: String; |
var SockIn: text; |
var SockOut: text |
):Boolean; |
Sock: LongInt; |
var addr: String; |
var SockIn: file; |
var SockOut: file |
):Boolean; |
Accept accepts a connection from a socket Sock, which was listening for a connection. If a connection is accepted, a file descriptor is returned. On error -1 is returned. The returned socket may NOT be used to accept more connections. The original socket remains open.
The Accept call fills the address of the connecting entity in Addr, and sets its length in Addrlen. Addr should be pointing to enough space, and Addrlen should be set to the amount of space available, prior to the call.
The alternate forms of the Accept command, with the Text or File parameters are equivalent to subsequently calling the regular Accept function and the Sock2Text or Sock2File functions. These functions return True if successful, False otherwise.
On error, -1 is returned, and errors are reported in SocketError, and include the following:
Listen |
Listen for connections on socket (deprecated). |
Open a connection to a server socket (deprecated). |
Bind a socket to an address (deprecated). |
Program server; { Program to test Sockets unit by Michael van Canneyt and Peter Vreman Server Version, First Run sock_svr to let it create a socket and then sock_cli to connect to that socket } uses Sockets; Var FromName : string; Buffer : string[255]; S : Longint; Sin,Sout : Text; SAddr : TInetSockAddr; procedure perror (const S:string); begin writeln (S,SocketError); halt(100); end; begin S:=fpSocket (AF_INET,SOCK_STREAM,0); if SocketError<>0 then Perror ('Server : Socket : '); SAddr.sin_family:=AF_INET; { port 50000 in network order } SAddr.sin_port:=htons(50000); SAddr.sin_addr.s_addr:=0; if fpBind(S,@SAddr,sizeof(saddr))=-1 then PError ('Server : Bind : '); if fpListen (S,1)=-1 then PError ('Server : Listen : '); Writeln('Waiting for Connect from Client, run now sock_cli in an other tty'); if not Accept (S,FromName,Sin,Sout) then PError ('Server : Accept : '+fromname); Reset(Sin); ReWrite(Sout); Writeln(Sout,'Message From Server'); Flush(SOut); while not eof(sin) do begin Readln(Sin,Buffer); Writeln('Server : read : ',buffer); end; end.
lazarus-ccr.sourceforge.net |