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Process handling

Functions for managing processes and programs.

Name Description
Clone Create a thread
Execl Execute process with command-line list
Execle Execute process with command-line list and environment
Execlp Search in path and execute process with command list
Execv Execute process
Execve Execute process with environment
Execvp Search in path and execute process
Fork Spawn child process
GetEGid Get effective group id
GetEnv Get environment variable
GetEUid Get effective user id
GetGid Get group id
GetPid Get process id
GetPPid Get parent process id
GetPriority Get process priority
GetUid Get user id
Nice Change priority of process
SetPriority Change priority of process
Shell Execute shell command
WaitPid Wait for child process to terminate
The latest version of this document can be found at lazarus-ccr.sourceforge.net.