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Return sum and sum of squares of values.
Source position: line 0
procedure sumsandsquares( |
const data: array of Extended; |
var sum: float; |
var sumofsquares: float |
); |
const data: PExtended; |
const N: Integer; |
var sum: float; |
var sumofsquares: float |
); |
sumsandsquares calculates the sum of the values and the sum of the squares of the values in the data array and returns the results in sum and sumofsquares.
The second form of the function accepts a pointer to an array of N values.
Return sum of values |
Return sum of squares of values |
Return total varians of values |
Return variance of values |
Program Example45; { Program to demonstrate the SumOfSquares function. } Uses math; Var I : 1..100; ExArray : Array[1..100] of Float s,ss : float; begin Randomize; for I:=low(ExArray) to high(ExArray) do ExArray[i]:=(Random-Random)*100; Writeln('Max : ',MaxValue(ExArray):8:4); Writeln('Min : ',MinValue(ExArray):8:4); SumsAndSquares(ExArray,S,SS); Writeln('Sum : ',S:8:4); Writeln('Sum squares : ',SS:8:4); SumsAndSquares(@ExArray[1],100,S,SS); Writeln('Sum (b) : ',S:8:4); Writeln('Sum squares (b) : ',SS:8:4); end.
lazarus-ccr.sourceforge.net |