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Return population variance
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function popnstddev( |
const data: array of Extended |
):float; |
const data: PExtended; |
const N: Integer |
):float; |
Popnstddev returns the square root of the population variance of the values in the Data array. It returns zero if there is only one value.
The second form of this function accepts a pointer to an array of N values.
Return population variance |
Return mean value of array |
Return mean and standard deviation of array |
Return standard deviation of data |
Return 4 first moments of distribution |
Program Example35; { Program to demonstrate the PopnStdDev function. } Uses Math; Type TExArray = Array[1..100] of Float; Var I : Integer; ExArray : TExArray; begin Randomize; for I:=low(ExArray) to high(ExArray) do ExArray[i]:=(Random-Random)*100; Writeln('Max : ',MaxValue(ExArray):8:4); Writeln('Min : ',MinValue(ExArray):8:4); Writeln('Pop. stddev. : ',PopnStdDev(ExArray):8:4); Writeln('Pop. stddev. (b) : ',PopnStdDev(@ExArray[1],100):8:4); end.
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