[Overview][Constants][Types][Procedures and functions][Variables][Index] Reference for unit 'Dos' (#rtl)


Record describing Text files


Source position: textrec.inc line 29

type TextRec = packed record

  Handle: THandle;


File handle

  Mode: LongInt;


File open mode

  bufsize: SizeInt;


Size of buffer

  _private: SizeInt;


For internal use only

  bufpos: SizeInt;


buffer start position

  bufend: SizeInt;


buffer end position

  bufptr: ;


Pointer to buffer

  openfunc: pointer;


File open function

  inoutfunc: pointer;


File IO function

  flushfunc: pointer;


Data flush function

  closefunc: pointer;


File close function

  UserData: array [1..32] of Byte;


User data (reserved)

  name: array [0..textrecnamelength-1] of Char;


File name

  LineEnd: TLineEndStr;


Line ending in use

  buffer: TextBuf;


Standard buffer



TextRec describes the internal working of a Text file.

Remark that this is not binary compatible with the Turbo Pascal definition of TextRec, since the sizes of the different fields are different.

The latest version of this document can be found at lazarus-ccr.sourceforge.net.