[Overview][Constants][Types][Classes][Procedures and functions][Variables][Index] Reference for unit 'Classes' (#rtl)


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Driver class descendent which reads component data stored in binary format.


Source position: classesh.inc line 1050

type TBinaryObjectReader = class(TAbstractObjectReader)


  FStream: TStream;

  FBuffer: Pointer;

  FBufSize: Integer;

  FBufPos: Integer;

  FBufEnd: Integer;

  function ReadWord;

  function ReadDWord;

  function ReadQWord;

  function ReadExtended;

  procedure SkipProperty;

  procedure SkipSetBody;


  constructor Create();


Creates a new binary data reader instance.

  destructor Destroy; override;


Destroys the binary data reader.

  function NextValue; override;


Return the type of the next value.

  function ReadValue; override;


Read the next value in the stream

  procedure BeginRootComponent; override;


Start reading the root component.

  procedure BeginComponent(); override;


Start reading a component.

  function BeginProperty; override;


Start reading a property.

  procedure Read(); override;


Read raw data from stream

  procedure ReadBinary(); override;


Start reading a binary value.

  function ReadFloat; override;


Read a float value

  function ReadSingle; override;


Read a single-size float value

  function ReadDate; override;


Read a date.

  function ReadCurrency; override;


Read a currency value from the stream.

  function ReadIdent(); override;


Read an identifier

  function ReadInt8; override;


Read an 8-bits integer.

  function ReadInt16; override;


Read a 16-bits integer.

  function ReadInt32; override;


Read a 32-bits integer.

  function ReadInt64; override;


Read a 64-bits integer.

  function ReadSet(); override;


Read a set

  function ReadStr; override;


Read a short string

  function ReadString(); override;


Read a string

  function ReadWideString; override;


Read a widestring value from the stream.

  function ReadUnicodeString; override;


Read a unicode string value

  procedure SkipComponent(); override;


Skip a component's data

  procedure SkipValue; override;


Skip a value's data





Driver class descendent which reads component data stored in binary format.




Abstract driver class to read stored component data.




The TBinaryObjectReader class reads component data stored in binary form in a file. For this, it overrides or implements all abstract methods from TAbstractObjectReader. No new functionality is added by this class, it is a driver class for the streaming system.

See also



Abstract driver class to read stored component data.



Driver class which stores component data in binary form.

The latest version of this document can be found at lazarus-ccr.sourceforge.net.