6.3.6 Using inherited

In an overridden virtual method, it is often necessary to call the parent class’ implementation of the virtual method. This can be done with the inherited keyword. Likewise, the inherited keyword can be used to call any method of the parent class.

The first case is the simplest:

  TMyClass = Class(TComponent)  
    Constructor Create(AOwner : TComponent); override;  
Constructor TMyClass.Create(AOwner : TComponent);  
  // Do more things  

In the above example, the Inherited statement will call Create of TComponent, passing it AOwner as a parameter: the same parameters that were passed to the current method will be passed to the parent’s method. They must not be specified again: if none are specified, the compiler will pass the same arguments as the ones received.

The second case is slightly more complicated:

  TMyClass = Class(TComponent)  
    Constructor Create(AOwner : TComponent); override;  
    Constructor CreateNew(AOwner : TComponent; DoExtra : Boolean);  
Constructor TMyClass.Create(AOwner : TComponent);  
Constructor TMyClass.CreateNew(AOwner : TComponent; DoExtra);  
  Inherited Create(AOwner);  
  // Do stuff  

The CreateNew method will first call TComponent.Create and will pass it AOwner as a parameter. It will not call TMyClass.Create.

Although the examples were given using constructors, the use of inherited is not restricted to constructors, it can be used for any procedure or function or destructor as well.