[Overview][Constants][Types][Classes][Procedures and functions][Variables][Index] Reference for unit 'FPimage' (#fcl)


[Properties (by Name)] [Methods (by Name)] [Events (by Name)]

FreePascal color palette class; base for LCL TPalette etc.


Source position: fpimage.pp line 68

type TFPPalette = class


  FData: PFPColorArray;


FData - local variable to hold data as a Colour Array

  FCount: Integer;


FCount - local variable to hold number of colours in array

  FCapacity: Integer;


FCapacity - local variable to hold total capacity of array

  procedure SetCount(); virtual;


Set the number of colors in the palette.

  function GetCount;


Get the number of used palette entries.

  procedure SetColor(); virtual;


Set the color of the specified palette entry.

  function GetColor();


Get the color of the specified palette entry.

  procedure SetCapacity();

  procedure CheckIndex(); virtual;


Perform an bounds check of the supplied index.

  procedure EnlargeData; virtual;


Makes room in the array for more palette entries.


  constructor Create();


Creates a palette with ACount color entries.

  destructor Destroy; override;


Destroys this instance.

  procedure Build(); virtual;


Builds the palette from an Image.

  procedure Copy(); virtual;


Replace the color table by a copy of APalette.

  procedure Merge(); virtual;


Merge the contents of the given palette into the current palette.

  function IndexOf(); virtual;


Returns the palette index of the given color.

  function Add(); virtual;


Add the given color to the palette, and return its palette index.

  procedure Clear; virtual;


Empties the palette.

  property Color: TFPColor; default; [rw]


The current Color from the palette

  property Count: Integer; [rw]


Get or set the number of used palette entries.

  property Capacity: Integer; [rw]





FreePascal color palette class; base for LCL TPalette etc.




[entire review 2010-13-01 DoDi]

The latest version of this document can be found at lazarus-ccr.sourceforge.net.