[Overview][Constants][Types][Classes][Procedures and functions][Variables][Index] Reference for unit 'System' (#rtl)


Type describing variant array


Source position: varianth.inc line 67

type tvararray = record

  dimcount: Word;


Number of dimensions

  flags: Word;


Array flags.

  elementsize: LongInt;


Size of one element in the array.

  lockcount: LongInt;


Lock (reference) count of the array.

  data: pointer;


Pointer to the array data.

  bounds: tvararrayboundarray;


Array describing the bounds in the array.



tvararray is a record describing a variant array. It contains some general data, followed by a number of TVarArrayBound records equal to the number of dimensions in the array (dimcoun).

See also



Type describing variant array bounds.

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