[Overview][Constants][Types][Classes][Procedures and functions][Variables][Index] Reference for unit 'System' (#rtl)


Return lowest index of open array or enumerated


Source position: system.fpd line 35

function Low(

  Arg: TypeOrVariable



The return value of Low depends on it's argument:

  1. If the argument is an ordinal type, Low returns the lowest value in the range of the given ordinal type.
  2. If the argument is an array type or an array type variable then Low returns the lowest possible value of it's index.
  3. If the argument is an open array identifier in a function or procedure, then Low returns the lowest element of the array, which is always zero.
  4. If the argument is a set type then it returns the lowest value of the underlying ordinal type.

The return type is always the same type as the type of the argument.

for an example, see High.



See also



Return highest index of open array or enumerated



Return ordinal value of an ordinal type.



Return previous element for an ordinal type.



Return next element of ordinal type.

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