[Overview][Constants][Types][Classes][Procedures and functions][Variables][Index] Reference for unit 'System' (#rtl)


Return a copy of the currently active unicodetring manager.


Source position: ustringh.inc line 115

procedure GetUnicodeStringManager(

  var Manager: TUnicodeStringManager



GetUnicodeStringManager returns a copy of the currently active unicode string manager in Old

UnicodeStrings are implemented in different ways on different platforms. Therefore, the Free Pascal Runtime library has no fixed implementation of widestring routines. Instead, it defines a UnicodeStringManager record, with callbacks that can be set to an implementation which is most efficient on the current platform. On windows, standard Windows routines will be used. On Unix and Linux, an implementation based on the C library is available (in unit cwstring).

It is possible to implement a custom unicodestring manager, optimized for the current application, without having to recompile the complete Run-Time Library.

See also



Set the unicodestring manager



Unicode string manager

The latest version of this document can be found at lazarus-ccr.sourceforge.net.