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Exlude element from a set if it is present.
Source position: system.fpd line 28
procedure Exclude( |
var S: TSetType; |
E: TSetElement |
); |
Exclude removes E from the set S if it is included inthe set. E should be of the same type as the base type of the set S.
Thus, the two following statements do the same thing:
S:=S-[E]; Exclude(S,E);
If the type of the element E is not equal to the base type of the set S, the compiler will generate an error.
Include element in set if it was not yet present. |
program Example111; { Program to demonstrate the Include/Exclude functions } Type TEnumA = (aOne,aTwo,aThree); TEnumAs = Set of TEnumA; Var SA : TEnumAs; Procedure PrintSet(S : TEnumAs); var B : Boolean; procedure DoEl(A : TEnumA; Desc : String); begin If A in S then begin If B then Write(','); B:=True; Write(Desc); end; end; begin Write('['); B:=False; DoEl(aOne,'aOne'); DoEl(aTwo,'aTwo'); DoEl(aThree,'aThree'); Writeln(']') end; begin SA:=[]; Include(SA,aOne); PrintSet(SA); Include(SA,aThree); PrintSet(SA); Exclude(SA,aOne); PrintSet(SA); Exclude(SA,aTwo); PrintSet(SA); Exclude(SA,aThree); PrintSet(SA); end.
lazarus-ccr.sourceforge.net |