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Compare 2 memory buffers DWord per DWord
Source position: systemh.inc line 537
function CompareDWord( |
const buf1; |
const buf2; |
len: SizeInt |
):SizeInt; |
CompareDWord compares two memory regions buf1,buf2 on a DWord-per-DWord basis for a total of len DWords. (A DWord is 4 bytes).
The function returns one of the following values:
ompare 2 memory buffers character per character |
Compare 2 memory buffers byte per byte |
Compare 2 memory buffers word per word |
Program Example101; { Program to demonstrate the CompareDWord function. } Const ArraySize = 100; HalfArraySize = ArraySize Div 2; Var Buf1,Buf2 : Array[1..ArraySize] of Dword; I : longint; Procedure CheckPos(Len : Longint); Begin Write('First ',Len,' DWords are '); if CompareDWord(Buf1,Buf2,Len)<>0 then Write('NOT '); Writeln('equal'); end; begin For I:=1 to ArraySize do begin Buf1[i]:=I; If I<=HalfArraySize Then Buf2[I]:=I else Buf2[i]:=HalfArraySize-I; end; CheckPos(HalfArraySize div 2); CheckPos(HalfArraySize); CheckPos(HalfArraySize+1); CheckPos(HalfArraySize + HalfArraySize Div 2); end.
lazarus-ccr.sourceforge.net |