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Open directory for reading
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function OpenDir( |
f: pchar |
):PDir; |
f: String |
):PDir; |
OpenDir opens the directory f, and returns a pdir pointer to a Dir record, which can be used to read the directory structure. If the directory cannot be opened, nil is returned.
Errors are returned in LinuxError.
Close directory file descriptor |
Read entry from directory |
Seek to position in directory |
Return current location in a directory |
Program Example35; { Program to demonstrate the OpenDir,ReadDir, SeekDir and TellDir functions. } Uses oldlinux; Var TheDir : PDir; ADirent : PDirent; Entry : Longint; begin TheDir:=OpenDir('./.'); Repeat Entry:=TellDir(TheDir); ADirent:=ReadDir (TheDir); If ADirent<>Nil then With ADirent^ do begin Writeln ('Entry No : ',Entry); Writeln ('Inode : ',ino); Writeln ('Offset : ',off); Writeln ('Reclen : ',reclen); Writeln ('Name : ',pchar(@name[0])); end; Until ADirent=Nil; Repeat Write ('Entry No. you would like to see again (-1 to stop): '); ReadLn (Entry); If Entry<>-1 then begin SeekDir (TheDir,Entry); ADirent:=ReadDir (TheDir); If ADirent<>Nil then With ADirent^ do begin Writeln ('Entry No : ',Entry); Writeln ('Inode : ',ino); Writeln ('Offset : ',off); Writeln ('Reclen : ',reclen); Writeln ('Name : ',pchar(@name[0])); end; end; Until Entry=-1; CloseDir (TheDir); end.
lazarus-ccr.sourceforge.net |