[Up][Next] Reference for unit 'oldlinux' (#rtl)

Utility routines

Auxiliary functions that are useful in connection with the other functions.

Name Description
CreateShellArgV Create an array of pchars from string
EpochToLocal Convert epoch time to local time
FD_Clr Clear item of select filedescriptors
FD_IsSet Check item of select filedescriptors
FD_Set Set item of select filedescriptors
FD_ZERO Clear all items in select filedecriptors
LocalToEpoch Convert local time to epoch time
MMap Map a file into memory
MUnMap Unmap previously mapped memory file
Octal Convert octal to digital
S_ISBLK Check file mode for block device
S_ISCHR Check file mode for character device
S_ISDIR Check file mode for directory
S_ISFIFO Check file mode for FIFO
S_ISLNK Check file mode for symboloc link
S_ISREG Check file mode for regular file
S_ISSOCK Check file mode for socket
StringToPPchar Create an array of pchars from string
The latest version of this document can be found at lazarus-ccr.sourceforge.net.