[Overview][Constants][Types][Procedures and functions][Index] |
Perform control operations on a shared memory block.
Source position: ipc.pp line 238
function shmctl( |
shmid: cint; |
cmd: cint; |
buf: PShmid_DS |
):cint; |
shmctl performs various operations on the shared memory block identified by identifier shmid.
The buf parameter points to a TSHMid_ds record. The cmd parameter is used to pass which operation is to be performed. It can have one of the following values :
If successful, the function returns True, False otherwise.
If an error occurs, the function returns False, and IPCerror is set.
Return the ID of a shared memory block, possibly creating it |
Attach a shared memory block. |
Detach shared memory block. |
Program shmtool; uses ipc,strings,Baseunix; Const SegSize = 100; var key : Tkey; shmid,cntr : longint; segptr : pchar; Procedure USage; begin Writeln ('Usage : shmtool w(rite) text'); writeln (' r(ead)'); writeln (' d(elete)'); writeln (' m(ode change) mode'); halt(1); end; Procedure Writeshm (ID : Longint; ptr : pchar; S : string); begin strpcopy (ptr,s); end; Procedure Readshm(ID : longint; ptr : pchar); begin Writeln ('Read : ',ptr); end; Procedure removeshm (ID : Longint); begin shmctl (ID,IPC_RMID,Nil); writeln ('Shared memory marked for deletion'); end; Procedure CHangeMode (ID : longint; mode : String); Var m : word; code : integer; data : TSHMid_ds; begin val (mode,m,code); if code<>0 then usage; If shmctl (shmid,IPC_STAT,@data)=-1 then begin writeln ('Error : shmctl :',fpgeterrno); halt(1); end; writeln ('Old permissions : ',data.shm_perm.mode); data.shm_perm.mode:=m; If shmctl (shmid,IPC_SET,@data)=-1 then begin writeln ('Error : shmctl :',fpgeterrno); halt(1); end; writeln ('New permissions : ',data.shm_perm.mode); end; const ftokpath = '.'#0; begin if paramcount<1 then usage; key := ftok (pchar(@ftokpath[1]),ord('S')); shmid := shmget(key,segsize,IPC_CREAT or IPC_EXCL or 438); If shmid=-1 then begin Writeln ('Shared memory exists. Opening as client'); shmid := shmget(key,segsize,0); If shmid = -1 then begin Writeln ('shmget : Error !',fpgeterrno); halt(1); end end else Writeln ('Creating new shared memory segment.'); segptr:=shmat(shmid,nil,0); if longint(segptr)=-1 then begin Writeln ('Shmat : error !',fpgeterrno); halt(1); end; case upcase(paramstr(1)[1]) of 'W' : writeshm (shmid,segptr,paramstr(2)); 'R' : readshm (shmid,segptr); 'D' : removeshm(shmid); 'M' : changemode (shmid,paramstr(2)); else begin writeln (paramstr(1)); usage; end; end; end.
lazarus-ccr.sourceforge.net |