[Overview][Constants][Types][Procedures and functions][Index] |
Perform various operations on a message queue
Source position: ipc.pp line 374
function msgctl( |
msqid: cint; |
cmd: cint; |
buf: PMSQid_ds |
):cint; |
msgctl performs various operations on the message queue with id ID. Which operation is performed, depends on the cmd parameter, which can have one of the following values:
buf contains the data that are needed by the call. It can be Nil in case the message queue should be removed.
The function returns True if successfull, False otherwise.
On error, False is returned, and IPCerror is set accordingly.
Return message queue ID, possibly creating the queue |
Send a message to the messague queue |
Retrieve a message from the queue |
program msgtool; Uses ipc,baseunix; Type PMyMsgBuf = ^TMyMsgBuf; TMyMsgBuf = record mtype : Longint; mtext : string[255]; end; Procedure DoError (Const Msg : string); begin Writeln (msg,' returned an error : ',fpgeterrno); halt(1); end; Procedure SendMessage (Id : Longint; Var Buf : TMyMsgBuf; MType : Longint; Const MText : String); begin Writeln ('Sending message.'); Buf.mtype:=mtype; Buf.Mtext:=mtext; If msgsnd(Id,PMsgBuf(@Buf),256,0)=-1 then DoError('msgsnd'); end; Procedure ReadMessage (ID : Longint; Var Buf : TMyMsgBuf; MType : longint); begin Writeln ('Reading message.'); Buf.MType:=MType; If msgrcv(ID,PMSGBuf(@Buf),256,mtype,0)<>-1 then Writeln ('Type : ',buf.mtype,' Text : ',buf.mtext) else DoError ('msgrcv'); end; Procedure RemoveQueue ( ID : Longint); begin If msgctl (id,IPC_RMID,Nil)<>-1 then Writeln ('Removed Queue with id ',Id); end; Procedure ChangeQueueMode (ID,mode : longint); Var QueueDS : TMSQid_ds; begin If msgctl (Id,IPC_STAT,@QueueDS)=-1 then DoError ('msgctl : stat'); Writeln ('Old permissions : ',QueueDS.msg_perm.mode); QueueDS.msg_perm.mode:=Mode; if msgctl (ID,IPC_SET,@QueueDS)=0 then Writeln ('New permissions : ',QueueDS.msg_perm.mode) else DoError ('msgctl : IPC_SET'); end; procedure usage; begin Writeln ('Usage : msgtool s(end) <type> <text> (max 255 characters)'); Writeln (' r(eceive) <type>'); Writeln (' d(elete)'); Writeln (' m(ode) <decimal mode>'); halt(1); end; Function StrToInt (S : String): longint; Var M : longint; C : Integer; begin val (S,M,C); If C<>0 Then DoError ('StrToInt : '+S); StrToInt:=M; end; Var Key : TKey; ID : longint; Buf : TMyMsgBuf; const ipckey = '.'#0; begin If Paramcount<1 then Usage; key :=Ftok(@ipckey[1],ord('M')); ID:=msgget(key,IPC_CREAT or 438); If ID<0 then DoError ('MsgGet'); Case upCase(Paramstr(1)[1]) of 'S' : If ParamCount<>3 then Usage else SendMessage (id,Buf,StrToInt(Paramstr(2)),paramstr(3)); 'R' : If ParamCount<>2 then Usage else ReadMessage (id,buf,strtoint(Paramstr(2))); 'D' : If ParamCount<>1 then Usage else RemoveQueue (ID); 'M' : If ParamCount<>2 then Usage else ChangeQueueMode (id,strtoint(paramstr(2))); else Usage end; end.
lazarus-ccr.sourceforge.net |