[Overview][Constants][Types][Classes][Procedures and functions][Variables][Index] Reference for unit 'Classes' (#rtl)


Sets the current position in the stream


Source position: line 0

public function TStream.Seek(

  Offset: LongInt;

  Origin: Word

):LongInt; virtual; overload;

function TStream.Seek(

  const Offset: Int64;

  Origin: TSeekOrigin

):Int64; virtual; overload;


Seek sets the position of the stream to Offset bytes from Origin. Origin can have one of the following values:

Constant Meaning
soFromBeginning Set the position relative to the start of the stream.
soFromCurrent Set the position relative to the current position in the stream.
soFromEnd Set the position relative to the end of the stream.

Offset should be negative when the origin is SoFromEnd. It should be positive for soFromBeginning and can have both signs for soFromCurrent

This is an abstract method, which must be overridden by descendent classes. They may choose not to implement this method for all values of Origin and Offset.


An exception may be raised if this method is called with an invalid pair of Offset,Origin values. e.g. a negative offset for soFromBeginning.

See also



The current position in the stream.

The latest version of this document can be found at lazarus-ccr.sourceforge.net.