[Overview][Constants][Types][Procedures and functions][Index] |
Open a directory for reading
Source position: line 0
function FpOpendir( |
dirname: PChar |
):pDir; |
dirname: AnsiString |
):pDir; |
dirname: shortString |
):pDir; |
FpOpenDir opens the directory DirName, and returns a pdir pointer to a Dir record, which can be used to read the directory structure. If the directory cannot be opened, nil is returned.
Extended error information can be retrieved using fpGetErrno.
Close directory file descriptor |
Read entry from directory |
Program Example35; { Program to demonstrate the OpenDir,ReadDir, SeekDir and TellDir functions. } Uses BaseUnix; Var TheDir : PDir; ADirent : PDirent; Entry : Longint; begin TheDir:=fpOpenDir('./.'); Repeat // Entry:=fpTellDir(TheDir); ADirent:=fpReadDir (TheDir^); If ADirent<>Nil then With ADirent^ do begin Writeln ('Entry No : ',Entry); Writeln ('Inode : ',d_fileno); // Writeln ('Offset : ',d_off); Writeln ('Reclen : ',d_reclen); Writeln ('Name : ',pchar(@d_name[0])); end; Until ADirent=Nil; Repeat Write ('Entry No. you would like to see again (-1 to stop): '); ReadLn (Entry); If Entry<>-1 then begin // fpSeekDir (TheDir,Entry); // not implemented for various platforms ADirent:=fpReadDir (TheDir^); If ADirent<>Nil then With ADirent^ do begin Writeln ('Entry No : ',Entry); Writeln ('Inode : ',d_fileno); // Writeln ('Offset : ',off); Writeln ('Reclen : ',d_reclen); Writeln ('Name : ',pchar(@d_name[0])); end; end; Until Entry=-1; fpCloseDir (TheDir^); end.
lazarus-ccr.sourceforge.net |