[Overview][Constants][Types][Procedures and functions][Index] |
Return information about symbolic link. Do not follow the link
Source position: line 0
function fpLstat( |
path: PChar; |
Info: PStat |
):cint; |
path: Ansistring; |
Info: PStat |
):cint; |
path: PChar; |
var Info: Stat |
):cint; |
Filename: ansistring; |
var Info: Stat |
):cint; |
FpLstat gets information about the link specified in Path (or FileName, and stores it in Info, which points to a record of type TStat. Contrary to FpFstat, it stores information about the link, not about the file the link points to. The function returns zero if the call was succesful, a nonzero return value indicates failure. failed.
Extended error information is returned by the FpGetErrno function.
Retrieve file information about a file descriptor. |
Retrieve filesystem information from a path. |
program example29; { Program to demonstrate the LStat function. } uses BaseUnix,Unix; var f : text; i : byte; info : stat; begin { Make a file } assign (f,'test.fil'); rewrite (f); for i:=1 to 10 do writeln (f,'Testline # ',i); close (f); { Do the call on made file. } if fpstat ('test.fil',info)<>0 then begin writeln('Fstat failed. Errno : ',fpgeterrno); halt (1); end; writeln; writeln ('Result of stat on file ''test.fil''.'); writeln ('Inode : ',info.st_ino); writeln ('Mode : ',info.st_mode); writeln ('nlink : ',info.st_nlink); writeln ('uid : ',info.st_uid); writeln ('gid : ',info.st_gid); writeln ('rdev : ',info.st_rdev); writeln ('Size : ',info.st_size); writeln ('Blksize : ',info.st_blksize); writeln ('Blocks : ',info.st_blocks); writeln ('atime : ',info.st_atime); writeln ('mtime : ',info.st_mtime); writeln ('ctime : ',info.st_ctime); If fpSymLink ('test.fil','test.lnk')<>0 then writeln ('Link failed ! Errno :',fpgeterrno); if fplstat ('test.lnk',@info)<>0 then begin writeln('LStat failed. Errno : ',fpgeterrno); halt (1); end; writeln; writeln ('Result of fstat on file ''test.lnk''.'); writeln ('Inode : ',info.st_ino); writeln ('Mode : ',info.st_mode); writeln ('nlink : ',info.st_nlink); writeln ('uid : ',info.st_uid); writeln ('gid : ',info.st_gid); writeln ('rdev : ',info.st_rdev); writeln ('Size : ',info.st_size); writeln ('Blksize : ',info.st_blksize); writeln ('Blocks : ',info.st_blocks); writeln ('atime : ',info.st_atime); writeln ('mtime : ',info.st_mtime); writeln ('ctime : ',info.st_ctime); { Remove file and link } erase (f); fpunlink ('test.lnk'); end.
lazarus-ccr.sourceforge.net |