[Overview][Types][Classes][Index] Reference for unit 'process' (#fcl)


Options to be used when starting the process.


Source position: process.pp line 124

published property TProcess.Options: TProcessOptions
  read FProcessOptions
  write SetProcessOptions;


Options determine how the process is started. They should be set before the Execute call is made.

Option Meaning
poRunSuspended Start the process in suspended state.
poWaitOnExit Wait for the process to terminate before returning.
poUsePipes Use pipes to redirect standard input and output.
poStderrToOutPut Redirect standard error to the standard output stream.
poNoConsole Do not allow access to the console window for the process (Win32 only)
poNewConsole Start a new console window for the process (Win32 only)
poDefaultErrorMode Use default error handling.
poNewProcessGroup Start the process in a new process group (Win32 only)
poDebugProcess Allow debugging of the process (Win32 only)
poDebugOnlyThisProcess Do not follow processes started by this process (Win32 only)

See also



Options to be used when a process is started.



Set of TProcessOption.



Priority at which the process is running.



Additional (Windows) startup options

The latest version of this document can be found at lazarus-ccr.sourceforge.net.