[Overview][Constants][Types][Classes][Procedures and functions][Index] |
Field data type description
Source position: db.pas line 110
type TFieldType = ( |
ftUnknown, |
Unknown data type |
ftString, |
String data value (ansistring) |
ftSmallint, |
Small integer value(1 byte, signed) |
ftInteger, |
Regular integer value (4 bytes, signed) |
ftWord, |
Word-sized value(2 bytes, unsigned) |
ftBoolean, |
Boolean value |
ftFloat, |
Floating point value (double) |
ftCurrency, |
Currency value (4 decimal points) |
ftBCD, |
Binary Coded Decimal value (DECIMAL and NUMERIC SQL types) |
ftDate, |
Date value |
ftTime, |
Time value |
ftDateTime, |
Date/Time (timestamp) value |
ftBytes, |
Array of bytes value, fixed size (unytped) |
ftVarBytes, |
Array of bytes value, variable size (untyped) |
ftAutoInc, |
Auto-increment integer value (4 bytes) |
ftBlob, |
Binary data value (no type, no size) |
ftMemo, |
Binary text data (no size) |
ftGraphic, |
Graphical data value (no size) |
ftFmtMemo, |
Formatted memo ata value (no size) |
ftParadoxOle, |
Paradox OLE field data (no size) |
ftDBaseOle, |
Paradox OLE field data |
ftTypedBinary, |
Binary typed data (no size) |
ftCursor, |
Cursor data value (no size) |
ftFixedChar, |
Fixed character array (string) |
ftWideString, |
Widestring (2 bytes per character) |
ftLargeint, |
Large integer value (8-byte) |
ftADT, |
ADT value |
ftArray, |
Array data |
ftReference, |
Reference data |
ftDataSet, |
Dataset data (blob) |
ftOraBlob, |
Oracle BLOB data |
ftOraClob, |
Oracle CLOB data |
ftVariant, |
Variant data value |
ftInterface, |
interface data value |
ftIDispatch, |
Dispatch data value |
ftGuid, |
GUID data value |
ftTimeStamp, |
Timestamp data value |
ftFMTBcd, |
Formatted BCD (Binary Coded Decimal) value. |
ftFixedWideChar, |
Fixed wide character date (2 bytes per character) |
ftWideMemo |
Widestring memo data |
); |
TFieldType indicates the type of a TField underlying data, in the DataType property.
lazarus-ccr.sourceforge.net |