[Overview][Constants][Types][Classes][Procedures and functions][Index] Reference for unit 'db' (#fcl)


Access the field's contents as a 64-bit signed integer (longint) value.


Source position: db.pas line 390

public property TField.AsLargeInt: LargeInt
  read GetAsLargeInt
  write SetAsLargeInt;


AsLargeInt can be used to read or write the contents of the field as a 64-bit signed integer value (of type Int64). If the native type of the field is not an Int64 value, then an attempt will be made to convert the field value from the native format to an Int64 value when reading the field's content. Likewise, when writing the property, the value will be converted to the native type of the field (if the value allows it). Therefor, when reading or writing a field value for a field whose native data type is not a 64-bit signed integer-compatible value (string values for instance), an exception may be raised.

See also



Value of the field as a variant value



Access the field's contents as an AnsiString value.



Access the field's contents as a 32-bit signed integer (longint) value.

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