[Overview][Constants][Types][Classes][Procedures and functions][Index] Reference for unit 'db' (#fcl)


Textual representation of the true and false values


Source position: db.pas line 678

published property TBooleanField.DisplayValues: String
  read FDisplayValues
  write SetDisplayValues;


DisplayValues contains 2 strings, separated by a semicolon (;) which are used to display the True and False values of the fields. The first string is used for True values, the second value is used for False values. If only one value is given, it will serve as the representation of the True value, the False value will be represented as an empty string.

A value of Yes;No will result in True values being displayed as 'Yes', and False values as 'No'. When writing the value of the field as a string, the string will be compared (case insensitively) with the value for True, and if it matches, the field's value will be set to True. After this it will be compared to the value for False, and if it matches, the field's value will be set to False. If the text matches neither of the two values, an exception will be raised.

See also



Access the field's contents as an AnsiString value.



Text representation of the field

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