[Overview][Constants][Types][Classes][Procedures and functions][Index] Reference for unit 'db' (#fcl)


Should the contents of the field be transliterated


Source position: db.pas line 825

public property TBlobField.Transliterate: Boolean
  read FTransliterate
  write FTransliterate;


Transliterate indicates whether the contents of the field should be transliterated (i.e. changed from OEM to non OEM codepage and vice versa) when reading or writing the value. The actual transliteration must be done in the TDataset.Translate method of the dataset to which the field belongs. By default this property is False, but it can be set to True for BLOB data which contains text in another codepage.

See also



Should the field value be transliterated when reading or writing



Transliterate a buffer

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