[Overview][Resource strings][Types][Classes][Procedures and functions][Variables][Index] Reference for unit 'daemonapp' (#fcl)


Daemon start event


Source position: daemonapp.pp line 103

published property TDaemon.OnStart: TDaemonOKEvent
  read FOnStart
  write FOnStart;


OnStart is the event called when the daemon must be started. This event handler should return as quickly as possible. If it must perform lengthy operations, it is best to report the status to the operating system at regular intervals using the ReportStatus method.

If the start of the daemon should do some continuous action, then this action should be performed in a new thread: this thread should then be created and started in the OnExecute event handler, so the event handler can return at once.

See also



Daemon stop event



Daemon execute event



Daemon continue



Report the current status to the operating system

The latest version of this document can be found at lazarus-ccr.sourceforge.net.